Seminar with Gruppo Ippolita
2nd – 6th September 2020
Corniolo Art Platform, Borgo San Lorenzo (FI)
Deadline: 25th August 2020
Download the Open call in Pdf format
Making Imaginaries Real is a time for study and research designed with the aim of bringing members of the artistic and cultural sector together with farmers and agricultural experts, examining common concepts and values that can create collective imaginaries. During the program Gruppo Ippolita will hold a workshop through which we will experiment with new and potential collaborative methods of creation.
The area of investigation concerns “community economies” and “care” as an artistic practice.
The project, therefore, enhances the local networks, trying to strengthen the notion of plurality, as a counterpart to homogeneity.
The proposal aims to discuss, rethink and shift our perspective on collaboration and sharing of resources, towards a more sustainable method of production and distribution both in the cultural and agricultural sector.
Through the workshop, dialogue, external contributions and guided visits to local farms, the group will try to produce a conceptual, practical and methodological toolkit that can be a starting point for new relationships between local cultural and agricultural stakeholders.
Objectives of Gruppo Ippolita workshop:
The intention of this workshop is to create an opportunity for internal discussion within the group and the micro-groups according to a method of dialectical comparison and following the principles of consensus building. This modality has always proved to be fruitful and essential in the experience of Ippolita. The goal is to create a truly inclusive and generative path, in which the personal dimension can be put on hold to make room for a plural and evolving subjectivity. The interest in this “other” subjectivity is given by the fact that it contains the seeds of the collective element from which a group, a band, a community can originate.
First session:
– Intro
– First frontal exchange with reference to Ivan Illich’s text “Conviviality”
– Collective discussion on the text
– Second exchange with reference to Ippolita’s working text
(domain vs convivial)
– Collective discussion on the text
Second session:
– Intro
– Work in micro groups of 3/4 people with the assignment to start processing
autonomously one or more of the concepts that emerged from the presentation of the texts
– Presentation and comparative collective discussion between groups
– Editing and delivery of the works
The deadline for submitting the application is 25th August 2020
Please send the application with your CV, your personal information and contacts (max 2 pages) to, with “Application Making Imaginaries Real” as the subject.
Fees and conditions
The fee for the seminar is 280 euros.
The fee includes:
• Workshop Gruppo Ippolita
• Shuttle service on arrival and departure from Borgo San Lorenzo station a
• 3 meals a day
• Stay for 4 nights
The fee does not include:
• Travel to / from Borgo San Lorenzo
• Personal extras
• Cancellation cover or health insurance
• Anything not expressly mentioned under “The fee includes ”
For those wishing to participate in the workshop only (3-5 September), without staying overnight in Corniolo, the fee is 150 euros and includes lunch.
The fee does not include:
• Travel to / from Borgo San Lorenzo
• Personal extras
• Cancellation cover or health insurance
All participants will be asked for a deposit of 100 euros and non-members will be asked for a 15 euros fee for the annual membership to Corniolo Art Platform association.
Upon request, we can write an invitation letter to apply for external funding.
Corniolo Art Platform is a non-profit cultural association and the money generated from the fees is used to cover the costs of the Workshop (the visiting artist’s fee, the costs of Villa Corniolo, expenses for food and travel for the group).