Corniolo art platform involves artists, researchers, international and local collectives, interested in holistic-performative practices, socially engaged art, activism and community building.
We aim practice conviviality as an art form.
NEWS 2024
We are happy to announce the next Production Residency program season 2024
Rampante’s experience is linked to a vegetative time, a slow and diffuse being in the practice of listening and solitude: can one get lost in a tree? What becomes language and memory in relation to the tree?
Concept Daria Greco
Performance Ondina Quadri
Video direction Margherita Panizon
Texts Sara Petraglia and Margherita Panizon
Production Chiasma with the support of Fondazione Lac O Le Mon and Corniolo Art Platform
NEWS 2023
We are happy to announce that the performance show “La Vaga Grazia” by Eva Geatti and of which Corniolo Art Platform is co-producer
it was hosted 2022/23 in festivals and events such as:
Crisalide Forlì festival, Spazio Kor, Santarcangelo dei teatri, Short Theater, Palazzo Grassi, Invisible city festival, SuperNova Rimini
In October for Fareout Festival at BASE Milan Dario Moroldo presents the Vinile album of LA VAGA GRAZIA
This album and this live show are the sound hemisphere of the show.
La Vaga Grazia by Eva Geatti and with Adriana Bardi, Andrea Beghetto, Carolina Bisioli, Roberto Leandro Pau, Patrick Platolino. Music by Dario Moroldo. Care and promotion Irene Rossini. Cosmetics Production with Corniolo Art Platform and Masque Teatro – Teatro Felix Guattari. With the support of Spazio Kor, Centrale Fies, Hummus-Ekodanza Paleotto11 residences, Damatrà, Fivizzano 27, Murate Art District-Muse.
This year Corniolo Art Platform has slowed down the pace a little
hosting the youngest resident of these 11 years, Vanni and her new mother Francesca Sarteanesi actress and playwright
the shortest but certainly intense residency of the last 12 years.
Performing Residence with Eva Geatti (Cosmesi) week 13/19 June 2022
The new 2022 season at Corniolo hosts in residence the research of Eva Geatti, who with a group of young performers investigates space in the open context of the park and the forest. The cue is developed around the novel “Il Monte Analogo” by René Daumal.
The research is accompanied by daily training by the performer Flavia Zaganelli, already resident in Corniolo in the 2021 season.
Eva Geatti’s research journey began in April 2021 and has passed through various stages: Centrale Fies (Dro), Paleotto11 (Bologna), Fivizzano26 (Rome) and will make its debut in Forlì at the Festival Crisalide in September.
The residency practices Roberto Leandro Pau, Adriana Bardi, Martina Magini, and the artists Natalia Lázaro Prevost, Júlia Zapata Llargués selected in collaboration with Sala d’Art Jove, Barcelona.