Diaphasis > Temporary Editorial Unit

Corniolo Art Platform 31 July – 2 August 2012

Building work and cooperation methodologies within the public sphere in Southern Italy; the interception and the in-deep examination of the current social, political and cultural changes; the archive as educational, artistic and generative practise: these are the fields of research of Diaphasis, the temporary editorial unit settled by Archiviazioni at Corniolo Art Platform.
The research team gathered in Corniolo alternated work sessions, debates and strategy-planning, sharing and convivial spaces opened to other artists, curators and theoreticians invited, within the frame of an ancient villa pertaining to the Medici family, immersed in the Mugello Valley, in the northern surroundings of Florence.
For Archiviazioni the Corniolo’s appointment has been a moment for production and definition of a new human, methodological and operating framework, and a moment for starting a process of identification of forms of synchrony and complementarity with other subjects and artistic/interdisciplinary organizations active in similar social-cultural contexts, in Italy and abroad, that could settle a network of local autonomous unities under a common agenda.
The editorial unit set in Corniolo and through web conferences, brought together the workgroup composed by Archiviazioni staff (Giusy Checola, Federica Scorza, Pietro Gaglianò, Diego Segatto and Susanna Ravelli) and some subjects and organizations working in Southern Italy. Among them: Paolo Mele (cultural manager, Ramdom Association, Lecce), Stefano Taccone (art historian and curator, Napoli), Anna Saba Didonato (art historian and curator, Foggia), Angelo Bianco (SoutHeritage Foundation, Matera), Daniele Guadalupi (artist and curator, Brindisi), Valentina Dessì(Iovogliotornare.it, Cosenza) and Lucia Giardino (curator and art historian, Firenze – Guilmi).
In the afternoon and evening sessions, Diaphasis became open laboratory to discuss about the proposed issues with the participation of artists, curators, theorists and researchers who work in national and international field. Among the guests in residence and in web-conference there are Susanna Ravelli (EU planner, Milan), Ilaria Mariotti (curator, Pisa), Alessandra Poggianti (art critic and curator, Livorno – Mexico), Juan Pablo Macias (artist and curator, Mexico), Emanuela Baldi (Love Difference), Francesca Recchia (independent researcher, currently from India), Ilaria Lupo (artist and cultural manager, Beirut), Tuscany based artists Paolo Parisi, Enrico Vezzi, Bernardo Giorgi, Mirko Smerdel, Leone Contini, Kali Nikolou and Gaetano Cunsolo.

Redazione temporanea
Diaphasis a cura di Archiviazioni, Giusy Checola e Pietro Gaglianò
La costruzione di metodologie di lavoro e di collaborazione nella sfera pubblica nel Sud d’Italia; l’intercettazione e l’approfondimento dei cambiamenti sociali, politici e culturali in atto a Sud; l’archivio come strumento e pratica formativa, artistica e generativa: questi i tre ambiti di ricerca di Diaphasis, la redazione temporanea allestita da Archiviazioni presso Corniolo Art Platform.
Il gruppo di ricerca radunato a Corniolo ha alternato alle sessioni di lavoro, confronto ed elaborazione di strategie, spazi di condivisione e convivio aperti ad altri artisti, curatori e teorici invitati a prendere parte ai lavori, all’interno di un’antica villa medicea immersa nella Vallata del Mugello, a pochi chilometri a nord di Firenze.
Per Archiviazioni l’appuntamento a Corniolo ha costituito un momento di produzione e definizione di una nuova cornice umana, metodologica e operativa, e avvia un cantiere per individuare forme di sincronia e complementarietà con altri soggetti attivi in contesti socio-culturali analoghi, in Italia e all’estero, che possa portare alla costruzione di una rete di soggetti locali autonomi riuniti da un agenda comune.



Archiviazioni (Giusy Checola, Federica Scorza, Pietro Gaglianò, Diego Segatto), Paolo Mele (Ramdom Association, Lecce), Stefano Taccone (art historian and curator, Napoli), Anna Saba Didonato (art historian and curator, Foggia), Daniele Guadalupi (artist and curator, Brindisi), Angelo Bianco (SoutHeritage Foundation, Matera), Ilaria Mariotti (curator, Pisa), Valentina Dessì (iovogliotornare.it, Cosenza), Lucia Giardino (art historian and curator, Firenze – Guilmi).

The afternoon sessions: Susanna Ravelli (EU planner, Milan), Alessandra Poggianti (art critic and curator, Livorno – Mexico), Juan Pablo Macias (artist and curator, Mexico), Francesca Recchia (independent researcher, from India), Emanuela Baldi (Love Difference), Markus Miessen (architect and researcher, Berlin), Ilaria Lupo (artist and cultural manager, Beirut), artists Paolo Parisi, Enrico Vezzi, Mirko Smerdel, Bernardo Giorgi, Leone Contini, Gaetano Cunsolo and Kali Nikolou.

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